Ansamblul rezidential Santa Maria Bay este amplasat in cel mai nou si luxos cartier al orasului Constanta. Pozitie de exceptie unicat atat in oras cat si pe toata zona costiera a litoralului romanesc, ofera un acces facil catre Statiunea Mamaia, Aqua Parc, Delfinariu, Parc, City Mall, scoli, gradinite si market-uri. Un concept nou pe piata rezidentiala, proiectat pentru folosinta unei comunitati private, familii cu copii. Vilele de lux din golful Santa Maria reprezinta expresia unei pasiuni autentice din partea celor ce au dezvoltat acest proiect. Cand au dezvoltat acest cartier rezidential, au vrut sa ramana fideli stilului mediteraneean – italian, construind vile de lux in stil autentic italian, completate cu elemente de estetica traditional – artistica tipic stilului sicilian. Cand va plimbati pe strazile din jurul vilelor, veti trai un sentiment unic, veti simti ca sunteti parte dintr-o comunitate calda si primitoare, unde toti le poarta de grija celorlalti. Alei aerisite, curatenie desavarsita, gradini frumos amenajate cu flori si copaci, spatii verzi, locuri de parcare si acces direct la plaja privata. Zone de recreere cu alei de promenada pe faleza amenajata. Vilele sunt construite impecabil, au interioare cu spatii generoase, balcoane si terase cu panorama de vis catre mare. Vilele se pot vinde prin orice forma, numerar virament, sistem creditare, inlusiv RATE DIRECT LA DEZVOLTATOR!
Sunt trei tipuri de vile in ansamblu. In continuare gasiti preturile in functie de tipul vilei ales. Preturile exprimate sunt la alb si nu includ finisaje si tva. Proprietatile se pot preda la alb sau finisate. Pentru cei interesati de aspectul comercial al zonei, vilele se pot recompartimenta pentru diverse activitati specifice (restaurante, centre medicale sau de educatie, business-office, etc. atat pentru vanzare cat si inchiriere)
Tip C - nu mai sunt disponibile
Tip B - preturi 540.000 E - 580.000 E
Tip A - preturi intre 680.000 E - 830.000 E
Preturile pentru inchiriere pornesc de la 2500 euro pe luna nemobilate si 3000 euro mobilate doar pentru termen lung.
Detalii tehnice de la A-Z pe toate stadiile de constructie. Materialele folosite sunt toate de calitate premium.
Functionalitati rar intalnite la ansamblurile rezidentiale obisnuite. Hidrofor si rezerva 3mc apa, boiler bivalent pregatire pentru panouri termice , curent trifazic. Izolatii inovatoare cu rupere termica.
The Santa Maria Bay residential assembly is located in the newest and luxury neighborhood of Constanta city. An exceptional position unique both in the city and throughout the Romanian seaside, offers easy access to the Mamaia resort, Aqua Park, Delfinariu, Park, City Mall,kindergarten, schools and after-schools. A new concept on the residential market, designed to use a private community for family with children. The luxury villas in Santa Maria Bay are the expression of a genuine passion from those who developed this project. When they developed this residential neighborhood, they wanted to remain loyal to the Italian - Sicilian Mediterranean style, complemented by traditional esthetic elements - typical of Sicilian style. When you walk around the streets, you will experience a unique feeling, you will feel that you are part of a warm and welcoming community, where everyone takes care of others. Ventilated hall, complete cleaning, beautiful gardens with flowers and trees, green spaces, parking places and direct access to private beach. Recreation area with the promenade on the developed cliff. The villas are built impeccable, have interiors with generous spaces, balconies and terraces with pandame of dreams toward the sea.Villas can be sold in any form, cash transfer, credit system and inlusive RATES DIRECTLY TO THE DEVELOPER!
There are three types of villas as a whole. You can still find prices according to the type of villa you choose. The prices expressed are for white stage and do not include finishes and VAT. Properties can be taught in white or finished. For those interested in the commercial aspect of the area, the villas can be re-compartmentalized for various specific activities (restaurants, medical or education centers, businesses-office, etc. for both sale and rental)
Type C - not available
Type B - prices 540.000 E to 580.000 E
Type A - prices between 680.000 E and 830.000 E
Rental prices start from 2500 euros per month unfurnished and 3000 euros furnished for long term only.
Technical details from A-Z to all stages of construction. The materials used are all of premium quality.
Functions rarely encountered in normal residential assemblies. Hydro and reservation 3mc water, bivalent boiler heat-panel preparation, three phase current. Innovative thermal insulation.