Amplasate intr-o zona de mare interes, la doi pasi de plaja,de lac, de mall, Delfinariu, Aqua Magic Parc si la 5 minute distanta de oras, imobilele sunt ideale pentru rezidenta permanenta datorita amplasamentului.Sunt confortabile,curate si cu o atentie deosebita acorda detaliilor interioare. Balcoanele ce ofera vedere bilaterala, atat catre lac dar si catre mare sunt spatioase si ideale pentru recreere. Interior rafinat, bucataria open space cu livingul ofera posibilitatea de a petrece mai mult timp cu persoanele iubite.Vila are multiple apartamente cu diferite caracteristici, o receptie si 5 etaje cu lift, ceea ce confera posibilitatea unei investitii dar si a unei rezidente permanente datorita sigurantei sporite, confortului si a bunului gust.Preturile difera in functie de alegerea apartamentului dorit. Sunt 22 de apartamente.
Located in an area of great interest, two steps away from the beach, from the lake and 5 minutes from the Mall,Delfinarium,Aqua Park and other facilities of the area. The properties are ideal for permanent residence due to the site,there are comfortable, clean and with special attention to the interior details. Balconies offering bilateral view, both toward the lake and the sea are spacious and ideal for recreation. Refined interior, the open space kitchen with the living room offers the possibility to spend more time with loved ones.Vila has multiple apartments with different characteristics, reception and 5 floors with lift, which gives the possibility of investment but also of permanent residence due to increased security, comfort and good taste.Prices vary according to the choice of apartment desired. There are 22 apartments.